▶ YouTube動画「トイトク」定期テスト・高校入試対策








問題1 次の( )に最も適切な語句を【 】より一つ選びなさい。
(1)My brother (    ) in the park.【 is , are , does 】
(2)(    ) Mike and Hana best friend ?【 is , am , are 】
(3)My friend (    ) speak English.【 don’t , doesn’t , isn’t 】
(4)(    ) you play baseball yesterday ?【 Did , Does , Do 】
(5)They (    ) play soccer. 【 aren’t , didn’t , don’t , doesn’t 】

問題2 次の各文を疑問文にしなさい。
(1) This window was broken by him.
(2) It is easy for her to speak English.
(3) She wants to play tennis.
(4) You have just eaten lunch.

問題3 次の文を英文にしなさい。
(1) 彼は昨日勉強しなかった。
(2) あなたは去年,野球を練習していましたか。
(3) 私にとって,本を読むことは楽しいです。

問題4次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容になるように, _に適する語を書きなさい。
(1)Ken is a very good baseball player.
Ken(   )baseball very well.

(2)It rains a lot in June.
We(   )a lot of rain in June.

問題5 次の(   )語を並べかえて、日本文に合う英文にしなさい。
( brother / home / my / gets / often / late / .)

(2) 彼らは家では日本語を話しません。
( speak / home / don’t / at / Japanese / they / .)

(3) 子どもたちは放課後どこで遊びますか。
( children / after / the / where / play / do ) school?


問1 次の文の(   )内の語を適する形に変えて書きなさい。

(1) The birds are (cry) now.
(2) Emily is (write) a letter in her room.
(3) You didn’t say anything when we were (have) dinner this evening.

(4)意味の通る正しい英文になるように、(   )内の語を並べかえなさい。
Now I teach English in Japan, and I (to / am / Japanese / understand / trying) people. …, and I people.

(5)次の問答文が成り立つように、(   )に適するものを選び,記号で書きなさい。
A: Was your sister watching TV when you went home?
B: (   ) She was studying math.

ア Yes, she was going home.
イ No, she wasn’t watching TV.
ウ Yes, she was watching TV.
エ No, she wasn’t studying.

問2 次の(   )内の語句を並べかえて、日本文に合う英文にしなさい。ただし、不要な語が1つず つあります。
(1) お年寄りには親切にしなさい。
(elderly / be / people / do / kind / to .)

(2) 綾と彼女のお母さんはいっしょにケーキを作っています。
(and /is/ making / her mother / Aya / are / a cake ) together.

(3) 明日の朝は遅く起きてはいけません。
(get / tomorrow / late / don’t / up / be ) morning.

(4) 彼らは天気について話していたのですか。
(they / did / about / talking / the weather / were / ?)


問1 次の文の(   )内の語を適する形になおしなさい。
(1) I can jump (high) than you.
(2) This question is (easy) than that one.
(3) Who is the (young) in your group?
(4) My dog is (clever) than any other dog.
(5) What river is the (long) in the world?
(6) Which is (big), this bag or that one?
(7) February is the (short) month.

問2 次の日本文に合う英文になるように、(   )に適する語を書きなさい。
(1) その3つの都市の中でどれがいちばん大きいですか。
(   )is the largest(   )the three cities?

(2) 私のコンピュータはあなたのよりも新しい。
My computer is(   )than(   ).

(3) あの子どもたちは以前よりもずっと幸せそうに見えます。
Those children look(   )(   )than before.

(4) 彼女はあなたよりも一生懸命にテニスを練習します。
She practices tennis(   )(   )you.

(5) すべての中でいちばん小さな動物は何ですか。
What is(   )(   )animal(   )all?

(6) トムはあなたよりも少し速く走ることができます。
Tom can run a(   )(   )than you.

(7) これは日本でいちばん古い物語のうちの1つです。
This is one of(   )(   )(   )in Japan.

問3 次の( )内の語を並べかえて、日本文に合う英文にしなさい。
(1) この車は5台の中でいちばん速く走ります。
(runs / this / of / fastest / the / the / car) five.

(2) 今日は昨日よりもずっと寒い。
It is (colder / yesterday / than / much /today).

(3) 彼女はクラスのほかのどの生徒よりも数学を一生懸命に勉強します。
She studies math (student / any / harder / other / than ) in her class.


問1 次の文の(   )内の語を適する形に変えて書きなさい。
(1) We started (walk) at nine in the morning.
(2) Now I have to stop (write). I’ll write again soon.
(3) He also enjoyed (travel) to some other countries in Europe.
(4) Her hobby is (swim).

問2 次の文の(   )内から適する語句を選び、記号で答えなさい。

(1) Tom enjoyed ( アtalk イtalked ウtalking エto talk) with Paul at the party yesterday.
(2) Emi likes ( アgrow イgrew ウgrows エgrowing ) flowers.
(3) Takeshi stopped (アrun イrunning ウto run エran).
(4) (アWalking イDriving ウSwimming エFlying) is the fastest way to travel.
(5) Makoto likes (アtake イtakes ウtaking エtook) pictures very much.
(6) Then they talked about (アto collect イcollect ウcollecting エcollects)and decided to pick up cans in the town.

問3 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容になるように、(   )に適する語を書きなさい。
(1)The child began crying hard.
=The child began(   )(   )hard.

(2)She is a very good tennis player.
=She is very good at(   )tennis.

(3)He teaches math. It is his work.
=(   )math is his work.

(4)Ann and Bill danced together. They had a good time.
=Ann and Bill enjoyed(   )together.

(5)I did my homework and then watched TV.
=I watched TV after(   )my homework.

問4 次の(   )内の語句を並べかえて、日本文に合う英文にしなさい。
(1) 私を招待してくれてありがとう。
(for / me / you / inviting / thank / .)

(2) 世界中を旅行するのはどうですか。
(the world / about / traveling / how / all over / ?)

(3) あなたの趣味は音楽を聞くことですか。
(to / hobby / listening / your / music / is / ?)


問題1 次の文の(  )中,正しい語句を選び,和訳しなさい。
(1)The book ( were / was / are ) written by him.
(2)English is spoken ( at / on / in ) America.

問題2 次の文を受け身の文に書き換えなさい。
I used the computer yesterday.

問題3 次の(  )内の語句を並べかえて、日本文に合う英文にしなさい。
(1) 誕生日プレゼントは毎年おばあさんによってマイクに与えられます。
A birthday present (to / given / by / is / his grandmother / Mike ) every year.

(2) 彼らはそのパーティーに招待されていません。
(party / are / to / they / invited / the / not /.).

(3) カナダでは英語とフランス語の両方が使われています。
(and / in / French / Canada / English / used / both / are/.)

(4) その動物は多くの子どもたちに愛されていますか。
(children / the / loved / by / is / many / animal / ?)

問題4 次の英文を日本文になおしなさい。
(1) A lot of new songs are made every year.
(2) Is this comic book read by young people ?


問題1 次の文の(  )の中を,正しい語句を選びなさい。
(1)I ( have / has / am ) been to France ( two times / two / twice ).
(2)Ken ( have / has / is ) studied English ( since / for / in ) three years.
(3)She has ( already / yet / been ) finished her homework.
(4)Have you ( ever / never ) visited Korea ?

(1)You have been there twice. 下線部を聞く文に書き換えなさい。
(2)You have studied Math for two weeks. 下線部を聞く文に書き換えなさい。

次の(   )内の語を並べかえて、日本文に合う英文にしなさい。

(cold / yesterday / has / since /it/been /.)

(seen /I/movie / already / the / have /.)

(letter / she / answered / yet / has / your / ?)

( long / Canada /a/ wanted / they / visit / have /to/ for / time /.)


問1 次の文の(    )に入る適語を選び、記号で答えよ。
(1)The girl talking with the boys (   )my sister very well.
ア know イ knows ウ knowing エ to know
(2) A: Which girl is Nancy?
B: She’s the girl (    ) near the window.
ア stand イ standing ウ stood エ stands
(3) Look at the picture over there. That is a very famous picture (    ) by Picasso.
ア painted イ was painted ウ painting エ to paint

問2 次の文の(   )内から適する語句を選び、記号で答えよ。

(1) The man (   )the car is my father.
ア wash イ washing ウ washed  エ I washes

(2) They found an old book writing(   )a long time ago.
ア written イ write ウ wrote エ writing

(3) Kyoto is a beautiful city(   )by people from other countries.
ア visit イ visiting ウ visits エ visited

(4) I know the boy(   )pictures over there.
ア take イ taken ウ takes エ taking

(5) The student (   ) by the window is not Ken.
ア stand イ stood ウ standing エ is standing

(6) Are you looking for your (   )pen ?
ア lose イ lost to ウ lose エ losing

問3 次の日本文に合う英文になるように(   ) に適する語を書きなさい。

(1) あの店では中古車を売っています。
They sell(   )cars at that store.

(2) この村に住んでいる人たちは、みな親切です。
People(   )in this village are all kind.

(3) ここで話されている言語は何ですか。
What is the(   )(   )here?

(4) あなたのお兄さんと話している女の子はだれですか。
Who is the(   )(   )with your brother?

(5) 彼女が持ってきた花はとても美しかった。
The flowers(   )(   )her were very beautiful.


問題1 次の各文を和訳しなさい。
(1) I was so tired that I went to bed early. *tired…疲れている  early…早く
(2)This question is too difficult for me to answer. *difficult…難しい

問題2 次の( )内の語句を正しく並び替えなさい。
(1)( the guitar / want / to / play / I / him /.)
(2)( the tea / too / to / drink / hot / was / for him /.)

問題3 次の文をso~that を使った文に書き換えなさい。
It is too clod for me to drink.


問題1 次の日本文に合うように、(    )内の語を並べかえなさい。
(1) 彼が何時にここに来るかあなたは知っていますか。
Do you (what / know / time / will / he) come here?
(2) その図書館がどこにあるかはだれもが知っています。
Everyone(is / library / knows / the / where ).
(3) 彼に何人の子どもがいるかあなたは知っていますか。
Do you know children / how / has / many / he)? Do you know.

問題2 次の2つの文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように、(   )内に与えられた文字で始まる語をに書きなさい。
I don’t know his address.
I don’t know (    ) he lives. (w)

問題3 (   )内の語句で始まる間接疑問文に書きかえなさい。
(1) Who is that woman ? (I know )
(2) When is your birth ? (I don’t know )
(3) Where was he born ? (Nobody knows)
(4) What food does she like ? (Tell me)
(5) Who wrote this book ? (Do you know )


【問1】次の文の(   )に入る語に適するものを選び、記号で答えなさい。
(1)Many people speak English in the world, but there are also many people who(    )English.
ア don’t speak イ are spoken ウ doesn’t speak エ speaks

(2)I can talk easily with my friends live(    )in foreign countries.
ア who イ which ウ what エ where

(3) London is the city(    )he visited ten years ago.
ア who イ that ウ whose エ when

【問2】意味の通る正しい英文になるように、(    )内の語句を並べかえなさい。(4)は、日本文の意味を表す英文になるように並べかえなさい。
(1) Ken(a brother / has / music / studies / who )in America.
(2) A: Look at the boy!
B: You mean(running / who / boy / is / the) over there? You mean over there?
(3) “Is there(can / I / for / do / anything you?”
“Yes, please help me.”
(4) こんなにおいしい料理を食べたのは初めてです。
This is (most / ever /I/ had / delicious / have / food / that / the ).




(1)is (2)are (3)doesn’t (4)Did (5)don’t

(1)Was this window broken by him?
(2)Is it easy for her to speak English?
(3) Does she want to play tennis?
(4)Have you eaten lunch yet ?

(1) He didn’t study yesterday.
(2)Was you practicing baseball last year ?
(3)It is fun for me to read books.
(4)Reading(または、To read) books are fun for me.

(1) plays (2) have

(1) My brother often gets home late.
(2) They don’t speak Japanese at home.
(3) Where do the children play after



  1. crying
  2. writing
  3. having
  4. am trying to understand Japanese

(1) Be kind to elderly people.
(2) Aya and her mother are making a cake
(3) Don’t get up late tomorrow
(4) Were they talking about the weather?


(1) higher
(2) easier
(3) youngest
(4) cleverer
(5) longest
(6) bigger
(7) shortest

(1) Which, of
(2) newer, yours
(3) much happier
(4) harder than
(5) the smallest, of
(6) little faster
(7) the oldest stories

(1) This car runs the fastest of the
(2) much colder today than yesterday
(3) harder than any other student




(1) to cry
(2) playing
(3) Teaching
(4) dancing
(5) doing

(1) begin は目的語に不定詞と動名詞の両方をとる。
(2) be good at ~ing「~するのがじょうず【得意〕である」
(3) 「数学を教えることが彼の仕事です」
(4) have a good timeで「楽しい時を過ごす」。 enjoy の目的語になる動名詞。
(5) 「私は宿題をしたあとでテレビを見ました」

(1) Thank you for inviting me.
(2) How about traveling all over the world?
(3) Is your hobby listening to music?


(1)is / その本は彼によって書かれた。
(2)in / 英語はアメリカで話されている。

The computer was used by me yesterday.

(1) is given to Mike by his grandmother
(2) They are not invited to the party.
(3) Both English and French are used in Canada.
(4) Is the animal loved by many children?

(1) 毎年、多くの新しい歌が作られます。
(2) このマンガ本は若い人々に読まれていますか。


(1)have / twice
(2)has / for

(1)How many times have you been to Japan ?
(2)How long have you studied Math ?

(1) It has been cold since yesterday.
(2) I have already seen the movie.
(3) Has she answered your letter yet?
(4) They have wanted to visit Canada for a long time.




(3)language spoken
(4)girl talking
(5)brought by



(1)I want him to play the guitar.
(2)The tea was too hot for me to drink.

(1)It is so cold that I can’t drink.


(1)know what time he will
(2)knows where the library is
(3)how many children he has


(1) I know who that woman is
(2) I don’t know when your birthday is
(3) Nobody knows where he was born
(4) Tell me what food she likes
(5) Do you know who wrote this book



(1) has a brother who studies music
(2) the boy who is running
(3) anything I can do for
(4) the most delicious food that I have ever had


